Daily Archives: January 11, 2013

Louis Farrakhan and Quentin Tarantino

(New York, PMNS)

At the New York Quentin Tarantino film festival, Louis Farrakhan commented that the movie Django Unchained was “preparation for a race war.”

In a related thought, Farrakhan was observed saying that another Tarantino movie playing at the Festival, 2009’s Inglourious Basterds, was “preparation for a 1940s religious war.”

Tarantino, currently in post-production at a London sound stage for Pulp Fiction, Part Deux, had no comment other than to say, “Even though my father told me to never trust a man wearing a bow tie, I’m glad Louie seemed to enjoy the Festival. I’ve been told he’s one of my biggest fans. And I should clarify: my father also said bow ties with tuxedos are ok.”

(Philup Nubia and Zerxes Jones-Smith from PMNS’s Fort Wayne Information, Research, and Translation Service enclave contributed to this article.)