Daily Archives: June 2, 2013

Washington, you have a problem

Lost among the dystopian dark shadows cast about in Barack Obama’s Scamalot empire is the fact the economy remains in the septic tank (which is worse than merely “in the toilet”). Restated, based on everything except the quasi-scary stock market and housing reflation, Obamanomics has been an epic failure.

Of course, it’s comforting to know Dear Reader still has your best interest at heart (assuming that policies of legalized and intergenerational theft work to your benefit). 

The conclusion? Washington, you have a problem. Actually, you have several problems…

The absence of moral authority within the Obama Administration

If the Obama Administration would consider the naked hypocrisy of their words and actions, they’d have a better understanding why so much of the country—and the world—feels free to ignore their moral directives.

A few examples of the Administration’s malfeasance:

  • The IRS uses its vast powers to muzzle free speech, to discriminate, and to punish.
  • The Justice Department ignores the law, the Constitution, and prudent restraint. When such things aren’t ignored, they’re practiced with discriminatory malice.
  • The President feels free to issue executive orders on extra-legal topics of all sorts (consider the mightily misnamed DREAM Act as an important case in point) while he calls on Guantanamo to be closed by Congressional action.
  • Bureaucrats within the federal Leviathan propose punishing those who practice the First Amendment in unapproved ways.
  • The Administration claims transparency while practicing its opposite (at best) or more often, disinformation.
  • Childish non sequesters like “We have to spend more so we don’t go broke” are offered as soothing explanations to inconvenient problems and facts.

Although the traditional media is less enamored with President Obama than at any point in the past, their willingness to treat him as they would with a man with a parenthetical “R” by his name—that is, with pliers and a blowtorch—remains unobserved.

Pliers and a blowtorch aren’t necessary but something other than a nearly complete diet hypocrisy (the Administration) and junk journalism (the media) would be appreciated.

The traditional media’s failure to question the Administration’s poseur routine has gotten Mr. Obama to where he’s at but only the President himself can lead the left out of Scamalot. Don’t expect it to happen: it’s far easier for everyone to keep on doing what they’ve been doing.

Why Ted Cruz terrifies the left

Why does Ted Cruz terrify the left? Because he’s a not-fat, wholly conservative version of Chris Christie.

What explains why the left—and the RINO community—are terrified of people like Cruz? Because they’re articulate and their ideas have explanatory power.

Today’s leftism has largely devolved to politically preemptive ad hominem attacks against its enemies and Cruz has the bona fides, the platform, and the intellect to not just grab the liberals’ beat-down sticks, but to turn those things against them.

The fact the liberal worldview and mindset have been shown incapable of improving the United States is less important to the left than their power preservation. Cruz threatens all that modern liberals hold dear: power, control, and ideology.