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The iron logic of Rahm Emanuel

Chicago isn’t the Windy City; it’s murder city.

So what’s a desperate politico like Rahm Emanuel (seen in his famous ‘jazz hands’ pose at right) to do? Have someone write more gun control laws. Otherwise, people might assign ownership of Chicago’s murder problem to the mayor or even worse for the Emanualists, someone might make a primary run at him.

After 506 homicides in 2012 and more of the same during the opening days of the new year, Emanuel said he was determined to stretch the legal limits of his local authority to prod Springfield into action.

Since murder is already illegal, what makes Rahm Emanuel think that more gun control will make things better? Oh, right, I forgot… he’s been libotomized.

Rahm, the problem isn’t the guns, it’s the murderers. As Emanuel might say, “Never let 506 crises in 2012 go to waste in stretching the legal limits of your authority.”

California or Chicago?

fruits and nutsCalifornia used to be mockingly known as the land of fruits and nuts.

Now, as seen at right, it’s Chicago (and a voting majority in California is just plain nuts) where nanny-mayor Rahm Emanuel is giving Michael Bloomberg a run for his money your money.

While there’s a 37% rise in murders in Chicago for the first half of 2012, there’s still enough time for the mayor’s mighty government to figure out how many milligrams of sodium per serving are permissible in school vending machines.

That the school kids can’t read or write or are out killing one another is another issue: priorities, people, priorities.

Is patriotism the last refuge for a scoundrel? No, I think there’s an update: It’s for the children.

Rahm Emanuel, Obama, and the State of the Union

Rahm Emanuel, former chief of staff to President Obama, is referred to as ‘The Godfather’ by some in the media, including the Drudge Report.

As a nickname, The Oddfather makes more sense.

How so? Emanuel is said to favor the following strategy for Obama’s upcoming State of the Union address:

“What you do with the first term is say, ‘I inherited a mess, I did what I could to stabilize it, and here’s what we’re gonna do.’ “

The disconnect with such a strategy is that’s exactly what’s been used by the President for the last three-plus years. And the mess Obama inherited? We look back on those days with nostalgia: good times…good times.

More Oddfather:

Emanuel told the [University of Chicago] audience that the State of the Union Speech should deemphasize the first term.  He said, “Elections are all about tomorrow, not about the past.  If you’re going forward while you’re looking in the rear view mirror, they’ll catch you on that and you’ll have an accident.”

With that quote, The Oddfather ignores the fact Obama had his “accident” (well, several: the economy, unemployment, across-the-board foreign policy failures, Obamacare, Fast and Furious, constitution shredding, etc.) some time ago and has been sitting in the mess ever since. A normal father changes his child’s soiled diapers; The Oddfather, not so much.

Hey, what kind of value-adding council and advice would you expect from Emanuel, who managed to make $16.2 million in two years as an crony capitalist “investment banker”?