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‘He may be an illegal alien sex offender, but he’s my illegal alien sex offender’

Does the rule of law hold sway with the Obama Administration? Or with Senator Bob Menendez, D-NJ?

Not if you believe the emerging tale about Luis Abrahan Sanchez Zavaleta.

And who is the aforementioned man of four names?

Luis Abrahan Sanchez Zavaleta, an 18-year-old Peruvian illegal alien employed as an unpaid intern in one of the offices of Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., is a registered sex offender: “The Homeland Security Department instructed federal agents not to arrest him until after Election Day, a U.S. official involved in the case told the AP.”

… Local New Jersey officials “notified ICE agents in early October that they suspected Sanchez was an illegal immigrant who was a registered sex offender and who may be eligible to be deported,” AP’s Caldwell reported. “ICE agents in New Jersey notified superiors at the Homeland Security Department because they considered it a potentially high profile arrest, and DHS instructed them not to arrest Sanchez until after the November election, one U.S. official told the AP.”

According to the AP, “ICE officials complained that the delay was inappropriate, but DHS directed them several times not to act, the official said.”

First off, not even Senator John Blutarsky would be part of such an indiscretion. Second, Sanchez only may be eligible to be deported?

And beyond that, ponder Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and now Interngate… if these involved Republicans, they’d be bigger than Watergate.

Shocker: New York Times Hates Alabama

The highly cocooned editors at the New York Times are mad at Alabama for their law on illegal immigration.

The Times describe the law in question, H.B. 56, as “cruel, destructive and embarrassing.” The muy cocooned go on to say:

It still seeks to use police as immigration agents, criminalize acts of charity toward undocumented immigrants and nullify contracts the undocumented sign. And it retreats not an inch from its sponsors’ goal of solving Alabama’s problems through mass immigrant expulsion.

Well. If the feds won’t enforce federal immigration laws, is it any wonder that states will take action on their own?

Chances are the editors of the Times haven’t thought any of this through. Do they really approve of the idea of cheating unemployed Americans (some of whom may be minorities, women, the LGBT community, and the poor) by providing the benefits of citizenship to the “undocumented” ? There is a fundamental issue of the law, writ large, and how it impacts U.S. citizens. Even highly-cocooned liberals will many times agree—in principle—that  living in a nation with a citizenry of generally law-observing folks is a good thing.

Here’s what Wikipedia offers about H.B. 65:

The Alabama law requires that if police have “reasonable suspicion” that a person is an immigrant unlawfully present in the United States, in the midst of any legal stop, detention or arrest, to make a similarly reasonable attempt to determine that person’s legal status. An exemption is provided if such action would hinder an official investigation of some kind.[2]

The law prohibits illegal immigrants from receiving any public benefits at either the state or local level. It bars illegal immigrants from attending publicly-owned colleges or universities [currently blocked[7]]. At the high, middle, and elementary public school levels, the law requires that school officials ascertain whether students are illegal immigrants. Attendance is not prohibited for such students; school districts are mandated to submit annual tallies on the suspected number of illegal immigrants when making report to state education officials.[8][2]

The law prohibits the transporting or harboring of illegal immigrants [currently blocked[7]]. It prohibits landlords from renting property to illegal immigrants. It forbids employers from knowingly hiring illegal immigrants for any job within Alabama. Moreover, it considers as a discriminatory practice any action to refuse to employ or remove a legal resident of the state when an illegal one is already employed [currently blocked[7]]. The law requires large and small businesses to validate the immigration status of employees using the US E-Verify program. The law prohibits illegal immigrants from applying for work.[currently blocked[7]][2]

The production of false identification documents is considered a crime. Contracts formed in which one party is an illegal immigrant and the other has direct knowledge of that are deemed null and void. The law also requires voters to provide proof of citizenship when registering.[2]

Methinks the phrase of emphasis in the above is this: illegal immigrants. When we have the New Deli Times replace the New York Times en toto, perhaps the editors will bark up a different tree.